
Congratulations on your pregnancy!

As a mother of two children myself, I fully appreciate that pregnancy and child birth is a life changing experience for you and your family, and can create unexpected feelings and changes as you journey into the unknown. My female staff have also experienced motherhood, and together we look forward to fostering a supportive partnership with you and your families over the nine months and beyond.

Dr. Michaela Lee

F.R.A.N.Z.C.O.G.   MRMed

Obstetrician, Gynaecologist,
Fertility Specialist, Brisbane

Pregnancy is very exciting, particularly for the first time, but for most of my patients, it can be daunting at the same time. My team and I support our patients during this journey through regular visits and ultrasounds. Our patients can also contact us when they feel the need and we always try to get back to them as soon as possible with relevant information and to provide reassurance if needed.

Not all pregnancies are straightforward and can be complicated by several conditions, which may be pre-existing, or may arise during your pregnancy.

Patients with pre-existing conditions are advised to see an Obstetrician if possible before their pregnancy to discuss their management. Sometimes a multidisciplinary approach needs to be taken where I manage these patients in a team. Common pre-existing conditions include Type 1 or 2 diabetes, thyroid function disorders, epilepsy, ulcerative colitis, mental health, clotting disorders or heart and lung conditions. Pregnancy can influence the progress of these diseases and the effect of the medication.

The time after a baby is born is very special but is also often extremely challenging, especially being a first-time Mum. Lack of sleep, the challenge of breastfeeding and looking after a newborn can often trigger anxiety and depression. Therefore, it is very important to address these feelings and symptoms with your doctor or midwife in order to get adequate help. Click here for more information.

Common conditions Post-partum

Hospital Bookings

I deliver at The Wesley Hospital. As soon as convenient you are encouraged to book into the hospital (at around 12-15 weeks).

You can book online via Wesleymaternity.com.au

Please take the time to visit this site as you will also find important information regarding Antenatal classes, visiting hours and parking.


At every antenatal appointment I will perform an Ultrasound Scan (included in consultant fee). I have modern facilities to perform both transvaginal and abdominal Ultrasounds. This does also include 3D imaging. As a complimentary service such 3D images will be handed out via email.

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I refer you to expert specialists for your first trimester screening, Nuchal Translucency Screening Test & Morphology Ultrasound. We also have conveniently located pathology collection centres within The Wesley Hospital grounds where required.

Please feel free to bring along any family members to any consultations.

I am on call 24 hrs a day Monday to Friday and on weekends I share an on-call roster with the following doctors: Dr Pauline Joubert, Dr Wai Lum Yip and Dr Melinda Heywood.

Your first antenatal visit is approximately 1 hour in duration. Subsequent visits are approximately 15 – 20 mins. 

These visits will be scheduled as follows:

I am committed to providing my patients with the highest standard of comprehensive, professional specialist care with a gentle and friendly approach.

I look forward to meeting you and discussing your gynaecological or obstetric needs.

~ Dr Michaela Lee